Natural State Golden Retriever Club
A Member Club of the Golden Retriever Club of America
Certificate of Conformation Assessment (CCA)
The CCA program aims to encourage the evaluation of Golden Retrievers based on the breed standard. It provides a structured, non-competitive way to assess a dog's conformation and educate breeders and owners about the standard.
Visit the GRCA website to learn more about the CCA program!
November 9, 2024 Entry Information
Evaluators: Patricia Flanagan - Cat 1, Marissa Hendrix - Cat 1, Margie Sarkin - Cat 2
Opening Date: August 19, 2024 at 8:00 AM CST. Entries received prior to opening will not be accepted.
Closing Date: October 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM CST or until entry limits have filled
Entry Limit: 21 dogs with 3 alternates. No entrant may have a second dog entered in this event until oct 14, 2024. No entrant may have a third dog entered in this event unless it is an alternate that has not been filled by someone running a first or second dog.
McAuley Hall
Center for Nonprofits
1200 W. Walnut St.
Rogers, AR
Judging Begins: 8:30 AM
How To Enter: Online entry only. To send a check, please select the "send a check" box on the form. To pay via Venmo, select the Venmo option on the form. For other payment options, select the first option. Entries are not complete until your payment has arrived AND a valid form has been submitted. Mail checks early to insure they arrive by opening date! No mail in entries. Entries accepted in the order received.
How to Pay: Make checks out to Natural State Golden Retriever Club.We are only accepting payment via PayPal or Credit Card via the online form OR checks. We also have a Venmo option you can select on the form and then pay to the address listed. Click on the online form above, fill it out, and select the payment method you wish to use. We recommend paying online or sending a check early if you are mailing checks. Entries are not accepted until the opening date and time. Your entry is not complete until the form is submitted and the check arrives. Because of this, online payment is preferred. If you need any help, email the CCA secretary.
Mail Checks To:
19039 Old Springtown RD
Gentry, AR 72734
Fee: $100
Online Entry Form: https://form.jotform.com/241618339498065
If you have any issues entering, please email journeysgoldenjourney@gmail.com
CCA Chairperson: Marlo Grayson, grayson2314@yahoo.com
CCA Secretary: Heather Guyll, journeysgoldenjourney@gmail.com
CCA Committee Members: Linda Vinson, Christopher Johnson, MD
Nearby Emergency Veterinarian:
Animal Emergency and Specialty Center of Northwest Arkansas
881 Metroplex Dr
Springdale, AR 72762
Phone: +14793464229
Plan to attend our free breeder education seminar on November 10, 2024
with guest speakers Patricia Flanagan and Margie Sarkin.
Presenters: Patricia Flanagan, GRCA Breeder Education Chair & Margie Sarkin
Date: Sunday, November 10, 2024
Cost: There is no cost to participate in this event.
Time: TBD
Registration: Click here to register for the event.
McAuley Hall
Center for Nonprofits
1200 W. Walnut St.
Rogers, AR
This event will NOT be available via Zoom because it is a hands on seminar.