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Perpetual Trophies

Natural State Golden Retriever Club Perpetual Trophies

Please download and read our policies and procedures BEFORE applying as our rules have changed. Please note that ALL trophies - regardless of description below - require volunteer and activity points for eligibility. If you would like to be considered for a trophy, please apply by March 1st of each year via email at The application has been converted to a fillable PDF. Please do NOT hand write your applications. If you have any questions about our policies and procedures or the application, please contact us at the email listed above.


2025 Award Ceremony - Date and Location to be determined. Keeper awards will be given to each recipient and photo opportunities with the perpetual trophies will be provided. Perpetual trophies may not be taken home at this time. 

Grace N Dogwood It's Good To Have His Banner RN BCAT CGCA CGCU FITB Rally Trophy
(Donated by Claudie and Marlo Grayson)

Awarded to any Golden Retriever achieving an AKC Rally title during the trophy year. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of the GRCA and NSGRC the year the Award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after the AKC report has been confirmed. This trophy may be awarded to multiple recipients. 

The GCHB Arkgold Trademark Got My Name In Lights SDHF "Boujie" Show Dog Hall of Fame Trophy (Donated by Claudie and Marlo Grayson)

This trophy honors those Goldens that have entered the GRCA Show Dog Hall of Fame during the trophy year. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of GRCA and NSGRC the year the Award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after GRCA certificate has been confirmed and can potentially be awarded and shared with multiple dogs within a year.

The Natural State Golden Retriever Club Brassfire's Dashing Darling @
Arkgold SH JH WC CCA AKC Hunt Test Trophy
(Donated by Marissa Hendrix)

The annual trophy will be awarded to the Golden Retriever earning the highest level of AKC Hunt Test Titles during the year's period under consideration. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of the GRCA and NSGRC the year the Award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after the AKC report has been confirmed.

The Service to the World Award

(Donated anonymously)

This plaque will be awarded to the Golden Retriever doing the most outstanding work in any of these categories: Conservation Detection, Police Work, Health Hero (research study), Service Dog. We want to recognize a Golden Retriever using its innate abilities to serve the world. A dog may only earn this award once for the same achievement. The recipient must be a member in good standing with NSGRC. Members are allowed to make nominations for this award or seek application for their own dog. The trophy committee will make this selection.

The NSGRC CH Cobblestone's Paperback Writer VDX CDX PCDX BN RA TD JH Versatile Golden Award

(Donated in honor of Lynne and Martin Briggs)

To be awarded to the dog of the year with the highest combined points in conformation, performance, and field work as defined by GRCA. The Golden Retriever must have earned points in each of the three categories to be considered. The title or points are not required to be earned in one year, but the dog may only be awarded once. The recipient must be a living dog. The purpose of the trophy is to encourage people to do something new with their dog and be aware of GRCA versatility titles. The recipient must be a member in good standing with GRCA and NSGRC.


The Kala's Dance with Anna, CDX, OA, NAJ Memorial Obedience Trophy
(Donated by Chris and Melissa Johnson in memory of our first love and best friend)

The Golden Retriever that earned the highest obedience title during the period in the trophy year. In the case of a tie, both dogs will be recognized on the trophy and the handlers will divide possession of the trophy equally for the year. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of NSGRC the year the Award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after the AKC titles have been confirmed.

The NSGRC Rock'N Tully Roan Agility Trophy

(Donated in honor of Janice Johnson)

The annual trophy will be awarded to the Golden Retriever earning the highest class level of AKC agility during the trophy year period. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of NSGRC the year the Award was earned and meet all volunteer requirements for the NSGRC. This trophy will be awarded after the AKC statistics have been confirmed.

The Outstanding Dam Award
(Donated by Mia Nieman/Amica Goldens in loving memory of BIS GCHB CH Amica's Journey
Nothing Comes Close OAP OJP DN SDHF OD)

This trophy honors those Goldens that have been recognized as an outstanding dam as per GRCA. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of GRCA and NSGRC the year the award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after the GRCA has sent the certificate. The award must be applied for within the same year of receiving the certificate. Multiple dams can be
recognized within the same trophy year.

The Outstanding Sire Award

(Donated by Colleen Maddox/ Dogwood Goldens in loving memory of BIS CH Morningstar Must
Be Dreaming OS SDHF)

This trophy honors those Goldens that have been recognized as an outstanding sire as per GRCA. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing of GRCA and NSGRC the year the award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after the GRCA has sent the certificate. The award must be applied for within the same year of receiving the certificate. Multiple sires can be recognized within the same trophy year.

S'cess Tubby Little Cubby All Stuffed with Fluff CCA SWN DJ CGCA TKN
Scent Work Excellency Trophy

(Donated by Heather Guyll and Noah Prevost)

This plaque will be awarded to the dog who has earned the most success in scent work titles in a calendar year. In the event of a tie then of the dogs in question the one with the highest-level title in AKC Scent Work will get the plaque for the year. The only other requirement for this trophy is to be a member in good standing with the NSGRC the year the Award was earned. This trophy will be awarded after these titles have been confirmed by an AKC report and the official AKC certificate with the date is verified.

The Natural State Golden Retriever Club: Mighty Dirk Maus Healing Paws
(Therapy Dog Trophy)

(Donated in appreciation of all the Golden Retrievers who heal our hearts and their handlers
who give of themselves to make
this possible)

This trophy will be awarded to a selected Golden Retriever based on his/her representation in the community through work as a Certified Therapy Dog. The trophy candidate will be registered through an AKC recognized organization and will be actively engaged in working as a Therapy Dog during the year of application for this award. The handler is to be a member in good standing of NSGRC the year the Award was earned.

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